Coffee shop Management Committee

The Coffee Shop Management Committee was established in July 2012 with the specific task of ensuring that there was an overall co-ordinated approach in the management and running of the facility.

As a significant parish resource, the management and administration of the coffee shop must also comply with agreed Diocesan requirements in relation to health and safety, insurances, contractual arrangements with hirers and codes of conduct, including the protection and safety of vulnerable people.

The coffee shop is used by a number of parish and non-parish groups, with hire charges based on an hourly rate, which are set annually. It is also available for private functions, including celebrations and funerals.

The Coffee Shop Management Committee (CSMC) meets monthly in the coffee shop to consider a number of issues including room hire, finance, cleaning, security, repairs maintenance and redecoration.

We are always keen to hear from anyone within the Parish community who feels that they would like to make a contribution to the running of the coffee shop – if so why not join our Committee. We would be very pleased to hear from you. We also welcome comments and feedback from both regular users and visitors to the coffee shop.

If you wish to make a booking or are able to support us in any way please get in touch.

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