Holy Orders

Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to His apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes three degrees: episcopate (bishops) , presbyterate (priests), and diaconate (deacons)


If you are interested in finding out about the Permanent Diaconate you should contact: Rev. Sean Hall Tel (0191) 268 4222 Email:  seanehall@hotmail.co.uk

A newly produced leaflet might also be of interest to you:

Deacons Leaflet


If you are interested in finding out about vocations to the priesthood you should contact either:Fr. David Smith, tel: (0191) 267 6063 email: newcastle.stjohnvianney@rcdhn.org.uk  or Fr. Andrew Downie (01207) 502196 Mobile:  077900 14204  Email: vocations@rcdhn.org.uk

Fr. David is promoter of vocations to the priesthood in the diocese. He liaises with schools, the YMT and parishes in providing opportunities for interested individuals to come together for support, prayer, social interaction, reflection and discernment.

Fr. Andrew is the Diocesan Director of Vocations. He helps people through initial enquiry, formal application, seminary training, and support during the period of formation and first appointment.

Our diocese also has a discernment group for those thinking about a vocation to the priesthood which meets monthly at St. Mary’s Cathedral from 7pm, dates will be available from either Fr Andrew or Fr. David.

The National Office for Vocations to the Priesthood also has a useful website: http://www.ukpriest.org/


Diocesan Prayer for Vocations

Lord Jesus, you come to us
in each day’s blessings and demands.

Guide and encourage us.

In our changing world
help us not only to respect and learn
from the past, but to be ever more open to your Spirit
as we face the needs of today.

Give us the courage to live out what you ask of us now.

Call from among us the people and priests
Necessary for our times and for the world of tomorrow.

Give us the leaders we need,
the courage to lead others
and the ability to work together.
Teach us to see possibilities in every
to know afresh the power of your grace
and to realise deeply that you are with
us always.

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