
Baptism for Infants

The Catholic faith requires parents to baptise their children as soon as possible after birth. Arrangements may even be made before your child is born.

To apply to have your infant child baptised, please collection an application form after Mass and return it to the presbytery.

  1. An initial visit will be arranged either at the presbytery or at your home to make an initial assessment of your situation and answer any questions you might have.
  2. You will then, if necessary, be invited to a preparation session. These are held in the Coffee Shop once a month on the last Sunday from 2.30-3.45pm. Please do not bring children along to the session. If you have had another child baptised in our parish in the last two years you do not need to attend again.
  3. Once you have attended a preparation session a date can usually be set for your child’s baptism.
  4. In our parish up to two children are Baptised together on Sundays at 12.30pm.


Baptism for Children Aged 7 and Older

For baptism for children aged 7 and older please contact the presbytery to arrange an initial meeting or pick up a form after Mass.

  1. Children aged 7 and over are normally given preparation for the sacrament themselves, this might involve joining the First Communion Program or to having some individually guided sessions.
  2. Parents are also invited to a preparation session (as detailed above)
  3. A date will be set for these baptisms on an individual basis.

Baptism for Adults

For information about being baptised as an adult in our parish, please speak to Fr. Lee.

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